Posting A Job Opening
Local Career Centers
Business Services Representative
On-the-Job Training
Get quality, on-the-job training for all pre-existing employees. Email us with any questions.
Job Fairs
We hold regular job fairs so employers can find qualified potential employees.
Information on NYS Grants for Business
Get more information on New York State Grants for Business here.
Tax Credit Information
Get more information on New York State tax Credits here.
Upgrading Skills
We work closely with you and your company to ensure all qualified, current employees get the skills training that meet your current needs.
Work with Youth
Help shape the workforce of the future by serving as a host to a youth worker looking to gain valuable work experience. Share your knowledge while developing your business and building a rewarding career. The wages of the youth you hire may be paid in full by our Career Centers for a period of time. Please call your local Career Center to learn more.
Interview Space
We provide private spaces for you and your company to hold employee and job interviews.
Candidate Recruitment, Screening & Referral Assistance
We work closely with you to evaluate what your company needs in a new employee. We recruit and screen only the best potential employees for your business.
Prevailing Wage Information
§220 Prevailing Wage Schedule and Information can be found here.
Workforce Reduction Assistance
Rapid Response is a service that we offer to businesses and workers affected by cutbacks and site closings. Learn more here.
Employers that wish to apply should complete the “Business Application for On-the-Job Training” and email it to appropriate One-Stop Center