
Latest Past Events

Resume Development

Your resume and cover letter are crucial components that can set you apart from other candidates when applying for a job.  This workshop will present the basics of a powerful and effective cover letter including formatting, tailoring to the job, and getting through the online...


INFO SESSION – FREE IT Training Courses

Seats are filling fast in our upcoming information Technology (IT) training programs for Front End Web Development and Python for Data Analytics! These courses will begin Nov. 8; they are available through the Workforce Readiness Academies Program (WRAP) grant and free to unemployed and underemployed...

Overcoming Barriers

Join us for this informal glimpse into potential stumbling blocks to finding a job and some resources and strategies to help you meet your goals.  Whether you're facing transportation needs, childcare needs, prior justice system involvement, inexperience, health concerns, or more - we're here to...
