
VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Career Assessment and Exploration

Join us for a virtual workshop on Thursday, February 24th, 1pm-2pm For many of us our career path does not take a straight line, or always go the direction we wanted. In this presentation we’ll take a moment to reflect on your path thus far...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Managing Job Loss and Moving On

Join us for a virtual workshop on Thursday, February 24th, 1pm-2pm Losing a job is one of life’s most stressful experiences. You may feel a wide range of emotions and exhibit self-defeating behaviors as you grieve during this unexpected life transition. This workshop will help...


Join us for a virtual workshop on Thursday, February 24th, 1:30pm-2:30pm Your social media presence can make or break your ability to find a job. Don’t let your digital footprint hold you back. Learn how to use social media to your advantage in searching for...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Veteran Services and Resources

Join us for a virtual workshop on Friday, February 25th, 11am-12pm The New York State Department of Labor Veterans’ Program has specialized staff that are dedicated to helping veterans and eligible persons gain a competitive edge in today’s labor market. Join us to learn more...

VIRTUAL FORUM – Chat with an Employment Counselor

Friday, February 25th, 1pm-2pm Join this open chat forum which is designed to address all your job search related questions. Employment Counselors provide advice, insight, and resources to aid job seekers in making important career decisions. Join this one hour open ‘chat’ to ask our...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Going to School to Get Back to Work

Join us for a virtual workshop on Monday, February 28th, 11am-12pm Are you changing careers -- or has your current career changed so much that you’ve been left behind? Do you need to go back to a classroom, or can you upgrade your skills another...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Using Age to Your Advantage

Join us for a virtual workshop on Monday, February 28th, 1pm-2pm Let's look at age as an advantage, not an obstacle, when seeking employment. Learn to sell your track record and identify obstacles holding you back. For participants with disabilities, if you require any reasonable...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Transferable Skills

Join us for a virtual workshop on Tuesday, March 1st, 11am-12pm Transferable skills are qualities you have already acquired which can be used in a different job. Make it easy for employers to see the connection between your qualities and the skillset needed to do...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Job Search Strategies

Join us for a virtual workshop on Tuesday, March 1st, 1pm-2pm The most successful job seekers today must use a variety of strategies, from establishing a social presence and targeting companies, to marketing your skills and standing out from the crowd. This workshop will show...