
VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Career Assessment and Exploration

Join us for a virtual workshop Thursday, April 7th, 11am-12pm For many of us our career path does not take a straight line, or always go the direction we wanted. In this presentation we’ll take a moment to reflect on your path thus far and...


Join us for a virtual workshop Thursday, April 7th, 1pm-2:30pm This workshop will cover local civil service opportunities at the county, city, and state level. We will also take a look at federal jobs and how they differ. Participants will learn about the exam, application,...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Cómo Superar la Pérdida de su Trabajo

Friday, April 8, 2022, 11 AM – 12 PM Perder un trabajo es una de las experiencias más estresantes de la vida. Es posible que sienta una variedad de emociones y pueda que manifieste conductas autodestructivas mientras lamenta la pérdida de su empleo. Este taller lo ayudará a identificar...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Chat with an Employment Counselor

Join us for a virtual workshop Friday, April 8th, 11am-12pm Join this open chat forum which is designed to address all your job search related questions. Employment Counselors provide advice, insight, and resources to aid job seekers in making important career decisions. Join this one...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Estrategias para la Entrevista de Trabajo

Friday, April 8, 2022, 1 – 2 PM Hoy en día la entrevista para un trabajo puede ser más intimidante de lo necesario si usted no está seguro de lo que le espera, si no sabe cómo prepararse y/o no sabe las expectativas del entrevistador. En este taller,...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Transferable Skills

Join us for a virtual workshop Monday, April 11th, 11am-12pm This presentation will focus on learning specific brainstorming techniques so you can identify your key transferable skills. Learn how to find the key words associated with your skills and how to market your transferable skills...


Join us for a virtual workshop Monday, April 11th, 1pm-2pm The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides monthly benefits to help eligible individuals and families buy food at local grocery stores and farmers markets. Join us for an interactive session to learn about SNAP eligibility,...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Interview Preparation

Join us for a virtual workshop on Tuesday, April 12th, 10:30am-11:30am A job interview is the opportunity for an employer to see if you are a good fit for the position and the company – and it’s a chance for you to see if they...


Join us for a virtual workshop Tuesday, April 12th, 11am-12pm The New York State Department of Labor (NYS DOL) continues to proactively connect New Yorkers with jobs through recruitment, skill-matching, marketing, community outreach, virtual career services, a broadcast and social media campaign, and other ongoing...