
VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Chat with an Employment Counselor

Join us for a virtual workshop Friday, April 29th, 1pm-2pm Join this open chat forum which is designed to address all your job search related questions. Employment Counselors provide advice, insight, and resources to aid job seekers in making important career decisions. Join this one...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Managing Job Loss and Moving On

Join us for a virtual workshop Monday, May 2nd, 11am-12pm Losing a job is one of life’s most stressful experiences. You may feel a wide range of emotions and exhibit self-defeating behaviors as you grieve during this unexpected life transition. This workshop will help you...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Estrategias para la Entrevista de Trabajo

Join us for a virtual workshop Monday, May 2, 2022, 1 – 2 PM Hoy en día la entrevista para un trabajo puede ser más intimidante de lo necesario si usted no está seguro de lo que le espera, si no sabe cómo prepararse y/o no sabe las...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Learn How to Navigate a Virtual Job Fair

Join us for a virtual workshop on Monday, May 2nd, 2pm-3pm This presentation will walk you through how to best navigate and prepare for a Virtual Career Fair. This will allow you to be familiar with the site for the day of the actual event...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Transferable Skills

Join us for a virtual workshop on Tuesday, May 3rd at 11am Transferable skills are qualities you have already acquired which can be used in a different job. Make it easy for employers to see the connection between your qualities and the skillset needed to...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Interviewing Techniques

Join us for a virtual workshop Tuesday, May 3rd, 11am-12:30pm Interviewing for a job today can be more intimidating than it needs to be if you’re not sure what to expect, how to prepare, or what the interviewer expects from you. In this workshop, you’ll...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Cómo Superar la Pérdida de su Trabajo

Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 1 – 2 PM Perder un trabajo es una de las experiencias más estresantes de la vida. Es posible que sienta una variedad de emociones y pueda que manifieste conductas autodestructivas mientras lamenta la pérdida de su empleo. Este taller lo ayudará a identificar...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Social Media Featuring LinkedIn

Join us for a virtual workshop Tuesday, May 3rd, 1pm-2:30pm This workshop will introduce using social media in your job search as well as a basic overview of LinkedIn. Participants will learn how to network and maintain an appropriate social media presence. For participants with...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – Resume Development

Join us for a virtual workshop on Wednesday, May 4th at 10am Your resume and cover letter are crucial components that can set you apart from other candidates when applying for a job. This workshop will present the basics of a powerful and effective cover...

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP – An Overview of ACCES-VR Services

Join us for a virtual workshop Wednesday, May 4th, 11am-12pm Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) starts with the presumption that all individuals with disabilities should have opportunities to work in jobs within their communities and can benefit from vocational rehabilitation services. Attend an...