
Photograph was taken by The Daily Gazette ERICA MILLER/THE DAILY GAZETTE

The New York Association of Training and Employment Professionals (NYATEP) is a not for profit organization whose focus is on ensuring that every New Yorker and employer in New York State has access to the skills they need to work in and support a robust statewide economy.  Each year in support of the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) statewide, they produce a dynamic website that highlights the great work done in youth programs across the state.  In 2018, a young man from Saratoga County was highlighted along with 27 other youth from all around the state who participated in the SYEP.

Dream it, Plan it
and Make it Happen

A gateway for Youth Services with
information for Youth ages 16-17 and 18-24.

Every year, millions of teens work in part-time or summer jobs that provide great opportunities for learning important skills.  

Looking for a Job?

Every year, millions of teens work in part-time or summer jobs that provide great opportunities for learning important skills. We want to help you have a safe and rewarding work experience. Federal and State rules regarding young workers strike a balance between ensuring sufficient time for educational opportunities and allowing appropriate work experiences. The resources on this web site will help you understand what hours you can work and what jobs you can work. 

What Hours Can You Work?

What Jobs Can Youth Do?

If you are an employer looking to hire Youth ages 16-24 please contact one our local Career Centers today!

Your Local Career Center Provides 3 levels of services:
If you’re between 18 – 24 years old , you may access the full array of adult jobseeker services described on this website. If you’re 14 – 24 and eligible, you can enroll in the WIOA youth services including the Summer Youth Employment Program and/or referred for other appropriate year-round services. You may use self-help services through the Career Center resource rooms.

youth employment